Romulus & Remus Myth


Today’s Agenda & Topic

  1. Introduce Ch. 5 Ancient Rome
  2. Class Starter Story of Romulus & Remus
  3. Roman Inventions Webquest

Class Starter the story of Romulus & Remus
Watch the youtube video Romulus & Remus. Write a summary of the story.   Take the True/False Quiz in your class starter

True/False Quiz

Class Discussion Questions:

1. Are the stories the same each time?
2. What might account for the differences?
3. Who the author was of the story.
4. Discuss reasons why no author was present.
5. How does the story of Romulus and Remus contribute to Roman Folklore?
6. Why would individuals make up this story?
7. How is this indicative of other societies that have been studied

Romulus and Remus

Romulus and Remus were twins
Their father was a god called “Mars”
Who had a planet named for him
And lots of chocolate bars.

The twins had a wicked uncle who
Threw them in the river to die.
But they were rescued by a wolf
Who happened to pass by.

The wolf pulled them out of the river
And took them back home to her den.
She dried them off and fed them milk,
Until they were healthy again.

Before long a shepherd found them
And took them back home to his wife.
The couple raised them as their own
They had a happy life.

The twins grew into big strong men.
Both leaders with lots of allies.
They decided to build a city
At the place where the wolf heard their cries.

But the twins could not quite agree
On the exact location.
They had a nasty falling out,
A violent altercation.

Romulus killed his brother Remus
And very soon became
The king of the great city that
He named after his own name.

Yes, Romulus founded Rome,
It’s where the name came from,
Although I’ve often wondered why
It’s “Rome” instead of “Rom”.

About victoriaruss

I teach World History, Civics, AP Psychology, and AP Government at West Bladen High School.
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